
Longing for change - the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini, 10.06.2021

Looking forward to the New Moon in Gemini with the Solar Eclipse. The New Moon takes place at June 10th at 1.52 p.m.

Eclipses free us from old patterns and ways of thinking and help bring new breezes instead. The effect of the eclipse extends to ten days before and ten days after the day of the eclipse. So notice what is going on in your life during this period, as these topics will continue into the next half year until the next eclipse period at the end of this year.

As the new moon is strongly affected by the solar eclipse this time, it is not recommended to perform rituals. The solar eclipse means that the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, thus blocking the Sun. However, when the light of one illuminating celestial body (Moon or Sun) is blocked, it is symbolically related to the blocking of life energy. Therefore, the time of eclipse is not a good time to perform any magical ritual, especially if you want to bring growth, abundance and development to your life through the ritual.

Eclipses symbolize the end and the beginning of something. In this area of your natal, which is dominated by the sign of Gemini, is where you can feel great endings and new beginnings. The eclipse period is associated with major changes - one door closes, but at the same time a new one opens.

Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon and the Sun meet near one lunar node, this time at the North Node. When the North Node of the Moon is activated, it brings out unfulfilled desires and dreams from deep inside. You may feel that you are ready for new events, developments, changes. You want something different and you want something more. The soul longs for change and innovation and does not want to be restricted. Care should be taken not to rush into something or burn old bridges until the new one is ready.

The Sun and The Moon meet this time also with the retrograding Mercury, which is also in the sign of Gemini. As Gemini is an air sign, then you might feel how your head is packed with thoughts and ideas are easy to rise up, you might have great flashes of thoughts and ideas, but at the same time you might also be overthinking and be too stuck in your head.

You may feel that your head is full of too many thoughts and that you lack of grounding because your brain is running at full speed. In this case, a little rest and good sleep will help. Allow yourself to be calm in your body and mind. Spiritual practices are also encouraged, which help get better contact with your inner self, for example meditation or Reiki therapy.

Excessive mental stimulation can also be relieved with water. You can take a relaxing aromatherapy or sea salt bath, or simply enjoy being by the water and swimming. Water helps release excess thoughts and helps be more present in your body.

This eclipse brings potential for new unexpected developments and opportunities. Maybe meeting an old friend, mentor or teacher can help solve internal dissatisfaction or a puzzling thought. Or maybe you just discover new information that helps you see situations from a new perspective.

Just like during the lunar eclipse which took place two weeks ago, this is also a good time for introspection and getting inner clarity. Saturn's harmonious aspect with the Moon, Sun, and Mercury promotes clarity and helps set priorities in order.

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